In addition to the support offered by staff of Victor Harbor High School, students may benefit from accessing information in the following links to resources, for example assistance with conflict / harassment, health information, career guidance or future study options.
Please note these links are provided for information only. Victor Harbor High School has no affiliation with the services listed and is not responsible for the information contained within these sites.
Career Information:
Further Education:
Tafe South Australia
Bullying & Harassment
Cyber safety
Mental health support
: Assessment Crisis Information Services available 24 / 7. Phone 13 14 65 for referrals, advice and support
Freecall – 1800 551 800
Drug, Alcohol & Health Support
Sexual Health Information Networking & Education
Domestic violence
Freecall – 1800 800 098
pregnancy support
Freecall – 1800 422 213
Sexual Health Information Networking & Education
quit smoking
Quit Line Freecall: 13 78 48