School Uniform
Victor Harbor High School Uniforms are available from Totally Work Wear, Victor Harbor.
Username: VHHS Password: uniforms
Store Location: 1 Lincoln Park Drive, Victor Harbor SA 5211
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm
School Uniform GUIDE
Uniform Guide reviewed and unchanged in November 2023
** PLEASE NOTE: Uniform price list available here
By choosing to attend Victor Harbor High School, families and students are choosing to follow the Governing Council's Uniform Guide here.
School uniform is important because:
It creates a positive image of the school particularly in the community, developing and maintaining a high standard of appearance.
It encourages a sense of belonging and pride in our school.
It easily identifies our students on school grounds and in the community, which is important for student safety.
It helps create a more equitable social environment.
It is practical and includes ‘safe’ clothing for all subjects.
Under the EDUCATION ACT (1972) and REGULATION 86 school councils have the power to:
determine school dress guidelines
enforce uniform obligations and exemptions conditions
Uniform Exemptions
Please see this link if you wish to lodge a request for a uniform exemption